Become a Member
The Terence Rattigan Society is a self-funding, non-profit-making organisation, which works closely with the Sir Terence Rattigan Charitable Trust. It is run by unpaid, but professional, volunteers.
Membership costs £25 a year, if paying by sterling cheque, or £20 if paying by Standing Order or Direct Bank Transfer. There is a special discounted annual rate of £5.00 for students in full time education.
If you would like to join us, please download and complete the form below and send it to the Membership Secretary by email or post.
Membership Form in Word – May 2023
Although most of the events and activities are based in the UK, we will bring you news of events and productions taking place elsewhere. You will receive quarterly printed copies of the Society’s Newsletter – The Rattigan Version, with articles by leading playwrights, biographers and critics as well information about theatre productions. You will be given a Members-only Log-in to our Website where you will be able to access further articles, videos, photos and information about past and future events.
For Overseas citizens wishing to join the society, please contact the Membership Secretary:
This attractive and exclusive gift card, designed by the Society and measuring 21 x 15 cms can be sent to a friend or relative as a Christmas, Birthday or other gift. The wording inside the card is “A warm welcome to membership of The Terence Rattigan Society. A gift from YOUR NAME INSERTED. And at the foot of the card are details about the President, Vice Presidents and the contact address for the society.
To arrange gift membership, which is at the lower price of £20 even if paying by cheque, please contact:-
Susan Cooper
21 Oak Road
Tunbridge Wells
Kent TN2 3AN
Tel: 07748 666509